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PlaNet News & Views

Posted on 24-07

Within You (Or) Without You
By Alan Marston

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On this programme I'll put forward the hypothesis that the concept of
One-God, first codified as the religion Judaism then recorded
philosophically in the 6th Century BCE by the Greek Heraclitus of Ephesus
(ca. 535–475 BCE) as Logos and in the 4th Century BCE by the Chinese
writer of The book of Tao and Life, Laozi but very probably first preached
by Zoroaster 1000 or more years earlier, was a reflection of the evolution
of the individual as a human dimension-of-experience and state of
consciousness and the attempt by the individual to find a center of belief
that reflected the alienation from group-identity without forcing the
pursuit of unit-identity within one's being.
And that the concept though primarily of philosophical value to the
one-as-person has been packaged and marketed since its discovery in
thought by purveyors of religious-currency in that most human of pursuits,
power and influence.
And that the most successful form of power and influence amoung men is
global-conquest which is exactly what Judaism and its much more successful
variants Romanised-Christianity and Islam have spread by physical,
economic and psychological conquest.
And that the rise of the age of individualism is seeing each individual
struggle with religions without and philosophies within in search of
And that is what characterises our age.